RHAIL | UW Tacoma

Responsible Health AI Lab

The RHAIL lab at the University of Washington Tacoma stems from a collaborative effort between the School of Engineering and Technology and the School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership. This interdisciplinary partnership is at the core of our mission. We believe that innovative applications of artificial intelligence hold immense potential in addressing a wide range of challenges related to disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and self- and family management of chronic health conditions. However, it is essential to acknowledge the genuine risks associated with AI systems in this context, particularly regarding algorithmic bias based on gender and race. Our primary goal is to pioneer responsible AI solutions. We aspire to ensure that these solutions offer the same high-quality service to all patients and families while safeguarding their privacy and addressing issues of fairness and equity.




Group picture at Fostering Connections in AI and Health, UW Seattle, Mar 5, 2024
At "Fostering Connections in AI and Health", UW Seattle, March 5, 2024
Sikha Pentyala, Daniil Filienko, Jingjing Xu, Martine De Cock, Weichao Yuwen, Jingyi Li, Serena Xie