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The goal of this program is to prepare you for your career. Participation in networking events, career fairs, lunch & learns, the annual success conference, the etiquette dinner, resume reviews, appointments with Success Center, mock interview training, job application, cover letters, annual case competition, speaker series events on campus, student club or campus leadership altogether work to enhance your UW Tacoma experience and prepare you for your next big step to your Business career. We’re here to help you get there.
How to earn the Milgard Gold Business Professional Certificate?
You must complete and record various activities. There are 3 badges to earn on your journey to complete the certificate. Each badge has one or more required activities and some optional activities. Track and record your activities on Canvas. Once earned, the Milgard Gold Professional Certificate can be listed on your resume.
Personal & Professional Badge
Complete an Appointment with the Milgard Success Center then enter the details into the Assignment. Attend at least 3 Career Gold events then complete the Canvas Assignment that matches the event.
Optional Activities:
Complete 3 or more optional activities. Activities are added frequently. You’ll find all activities within Canvas Assignments.
Communication Badge
Visit The Big Interview platform and practice your interview skills with the AI features And upload your resume to the AI resume for an evaluation. Complete the Assignment details to earn your credit.
Optional Activities:
Complete 2 or more optional activities. Activities are added frequently. You’ll find all activities within Canvas Assignments.
Leadership & Community Badge
Attend the annual Day of Caring or complete at least 4 hours of Community Service or volunteer work. Join a Registered Student Organization. Complete the Assignment details on the Canvas site to earn your points.
Optional Activities:
Complete 2 or more optional activities. Activities are added frequently. You’ll find all activities within Canvas.

Daniel Juarez

Emilia Ganchorre

Yana Maistruk