Main Content
Year 1 |
Courses and Description |
Summer |
TEDLD 571: Community Grounded Systems Leadership (5) Provides a critique of the current structure of educational organizations, policies and evaluation strategies. Discusses how community grounded, collaborative leadership approaches can dismantle oppressive and dysfunctional systems. TEDLD 572: Anti-racist and De-colonial Frameworks in Education (5) Uses critical race theory to analyze the effects of educational systems on BIPOC communities. Explores leadership practices that can be used to decolonize education. |
Autumn |
TEDLD 573: Critical Pedagogies and Leadership (5) Uses theory and research to critique existing instructional approaches and pedagogy. Explores how integration of relational learning, ancestral knowledge and community focus can be used to create anti-racist and decolonial educational systems and pedagogies. TEDLD 574: De-colonizing Writing and Oral Praxis (5) This course introduces participants to writing and oral praxis within a decolonial lens. We will critique oppressive western dominant conventions of expression as intentional silencing of self and others. |
Winter |
TEDLD 570: Revolutionizing Leadership (5) Explores novel ways of leading collaborative, community-based, learner centric educational environments. Discusses how leaders can build coalitions that include student and youth activists to generate systemic change. TEDLD 581: Introduction to De-colonizing Research (5) Course critiques educational research and western knowledge construction processes that traditionalize inequities across race, Indigeneity, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and related intersectional identities. Engages personal and professional development around decolonial approaches to research processes. |
Spring |
TEDLD 582: Applied De-colonizing Research Approaches (5) Course discusses community grounded research as processes of fostering relational learning environments, intergenerational ways of knowing, researcher reflexivity, and applied theoretical approaches toward decolonization. TEDLD 587: Disrupting and Dismantling Current Praxis (5) Interrogating systems of inequalities through the lens of ancestral knowledge and current praxis. Centering collaborative design, evaluation and the implementation of decolonial and anti-oppressive systems of support. |
Year 2 |
Courses and Description |
Summer |
TEDLD 575: Human Capacity in Educational Institutions (5) Focuses on effective human resource operations that reflect an organization's core values and analyzes human resource problems related to educational organizations. TEDLD 576: Education Law and Governance (5) Focuses on persistent legal issues in education. Examines laws, regulations, policies and court cases that affect educational systems and practices. TEDLD 602: Community Grounded Praxis (3) Focuses on evaluation and reflection in a shared learning environment to enhance leadership knowledge, critique leadership praxis and develop community grounded approaches to demonstrate connections to the Ed.D. values. |
Autumn |
TEDLD 602: Community Grounded Praxis (5) Focuses on evaluation and reflection in a shared learning environment to enhance leadership knowledge, critique leadership praxis and develop community grounded approaches to demonstrate connections to the Ed.D. values. TEDLD 588: Relational Learning and Healing in Praxis (5) Focuses on developing knowledge about Revolutionary Leadership to assess personal leadership skills. Use of relational learning approaches and crucial conversations to create a learning community. TEDLD 583: De-construction Knowledges (5) Course evokes research methods to challenge traditionalized educational processes. Weaves ancestral and community knowledges to address societal inequities to foster healing. TEDLD 594: School District Leadership (1) (P12)* Focuses on conceptualizing district-wide leadership roles, including engagement with governance, regional and state level policies, school and district perspectives, employee development, data systems, and structural levers for change efforts.
Winter |
TEDLD 602: Community Grounded Praxis (5) Focuses on developing knowledge about Revolutionary Leadership to assess personal leadership skills. Use of relational learning approaches and crucial conversations to create a learning community. TEDLD 584: Re-constructing Knowledges (5) Students apply previous learning to curate research methodology. Application of community grounded, relational research methods that integrate ancestral knowledges, disrupt and dismantle colonial systems, to foster healing. TEDLD 596: District Level Instructional Leadership (3) (P12)* Focuses on collaborative leadership for the improvement of district-level instructional approaches, from district missions to the individual classrooms, centering equity for all students and employees, current issues and barriers, and approaches to implementing and assessing justice-oriented curricular and teaching approaches. TEDLD 594: School District Leadership (1) (P12)* Focuses on conceptualizing district-wide leadership roles, including engagement with governance, regional and state level policies, school and district perspectives, employee development, data systems, and structural levers for change efforts. |
Spring |
TEDLD 602: Community Grounded Praxis (5) Focuses on developing knowledge about Revolutionary Leadership to assess personal leadership skills. Use of relational learning approaches and crucial conversations to create a learning community. TEDLD 585: Proposing Relational Research (5) Courses focuses on developing a research plan to conduct a decolonial analysis within a specific research context. TEDLD 594: School District Leadership (1) (P12)* Focuses on conceptualizing district-wide leadership roles, including engagement with governance, regional and state level policies, school and district perspectives, employee development, data systems, and structural levers for change efforts. |
Year 3 |
Courses and Description |
Summer |
TEDLD 577: Funding, Budgets and Inequities (5) Focuses on current issues in public and private education finance, including P-12 education, higher education, civic and community organizations. Examines historic and contemporary inequities in federal, state, and local educational funding models. TEDLD 590: Critical Approaches to Student Development (HE & CL) (5) Focuses on student engagement within various higher education institutions, including support structures and strategies to foster student learning and growth. Focus on students historically excluded from traditionalized higher education practices. OR TEDLD 591: Indigenous Leadership in Education & Community Contexts (T/I) (5) The goal of this course is to provide an in depth understanding of the lived and dives perspectives within Indigenous leadership in education and community contexts including tribal, community and diverse educational types inclusive of P-20. This course will enable students in the educational leadership program and other College of Education programs to develop an Indigenous worldview and the connections of education and community for tribal and diverse Indigenous communities. OR TEDLD 595: Equity-focused District Leadership (3) (P12)* Focuses on leadership for equity, including assessment of culture and climate, modeling of healing approaches, and implementation and evaluation of district-wide structures that disrupt inequalities while fostering safe, nurturing school systems. |
Autumn |
TEDLD 589: Leadership for Healing (5) Recognizing historic and contemporary activism in resistance to oppressive systems, this course provides practical experiences for students to strengthen personal leadership through holistic healing models. TEDLD 801: Dissertation in Practice (4) Focuses on the implementation of the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership Dissertation as a structures inquiry process investigating a critical problem of practice. TEDLD 802: Dissertation Seminar (1) Under the guidance of the instructor, interns meet in discipline specific groups to share and discuss the challenges and progress of their respective dissertations, providing insight, accountability, and support for one another.
Winter |
TEDLD 801: Dissertation in Practice (6)
TEDLD 802: Dissertation Seminar (1) |
Spring |
TEDLD 801: Dissertation in Practice (7)
TEDLD 802: Dissertation Seminar (1) |