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After earning this stamp you will be able to:
- Reflect on the feedforward/REPAIR model as it relates to your practice.
- Identify, and elaborate on, what you see as strengths and weaknesses in the feedforward/REPAIR model.
- Revise an example of feedback you've provided to a student to demonstrate, as closely possible, the characteristics of the REPAIR feedforward model.
Learning Activities
- Reflect on the feedforward/REPAIR model vis-a-vis your own feedback practices.
- Share which elements of the REPAIR model are, or you predict will be, most effective in your practice, and why.
- Share which elements of the REPAIR model you don't think are, or will be, particularly effective in your practice and why.
- Revise an example of feedback you've provided to a student to demonstrate, as closely possible, the characteristics of the REPAIR feedforward model.
Request Your Stamp
Use the Stamp Request Form to complete the learning activities and receive your stamp.