Main Content

After earning this stamp you will be able to:
- Define Regular Substantive Interactions (RSI) as defined and required by the US Department of Education
- Demonstrate meeting the requirements of RSI in some way for each of the related tri-campus Rubric objectives (multiple objectives may be met by single items):
- 2.1 Welcome and Getting Started
- 2.3 Organizational Scheme and Orientation
- 2.4 Resources for Online Learning Success
- 3.1 Communications Expectations and an Inclusive Environment
- 3.2 Learner-Instructor Interaction
- 3.3 Learner-Learner Interaction
- 3.4 Instructor Presence
- 3.5 Course Formats
- 4.4 Flexibility and Engagement
- 5.2 Specific and Descriptive Evaluation Criteria
Learning Activities
- Create materials to meet the connected Tri-Campus Rubric objectives:
- 2.1 Welcome and Getting Started
- 2.3 Organizational Scheme and Orientation
- 2.4 Resources for Online Learning Success
- 3.1 Communications Expectations and an Inclusive Environment
- 3.2 Learner-Instructor Interaction
- 3.3 Learner-Learner Interaction
- 3.4 Instructor Presence
- 3.5 Course Formats
- 4.4 Flexibility and Engagement
- 5.2 Specific and Descriptive Evaluation Criteria
Request Your Stamp
Use the Stamp Request Form to complete reflective prompts and share links to your completed materials. Once completed, you will receive your stamp!