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About UWT Sustainability
Sustainability at UW Tacoma encompasses the environmental, economic and social impacts of our 46-acre, urban-serving university campus. The present and future well-being of students, faculty, staff, alumni and the larger community are inextricably linked to how we manage finite resources.
UWT understands that the word Sustainability is a broad and sometimes abstract term. Therefore, we define Sustainability on our campus by the three spheres of sustainability.
Social Progress: Diversity, Human Rights, Equal Opportunity, Standard of Living, Health, Identity, Meaning.
Environmental Stewardship: Natural Resource Protection, Pollution Prevention, Biodiversity, Waste Management.
Economic Stability: Consumption Patterns, Distribution of Wealth, Efficient Production, Research and Development.
Sustainability at UW Tacoma is concerned with the micro and the macro. From composting strategies to combating science illiteracy, the sustainability ethos can be found in facility management, curriculum design and student activism. Explore this site to discover how UW Tacoma is creating a more sustainable campus for all our members in the community.
The University of Washington wants to acknowledge the Coast Salish peoples of this land we are on, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Puyallup, Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.
We recognize that this is a difficult, painful and long history, and we thank the original caretakers of this land.
We are grateful to respectfully live and work as guests on these lands with the Coast Salish and Native people who call this home. This land acknowledgement is one small act in the ongoing process of working to be in good relationship with the land and the people of the land. We thank these caretakers of this land who have lived, and continue to live, here since time immemorial.