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Disability parking policies
Where you can park with a state-issued disability parking permit (placard or license plate):
- designated disabled parking stalls (on the street and in on-campus parking lots) for free with no time limit
- standard hourly parking stalls in any of the on-campus hourly parking lots for free with no time limit
Where NOT to park:
- Fire lanes
- No-parking zones
- Reserved stalls (Autism Center, Facilities stalls, etc)
- Permit-only lots (may park in Court 17 or Whitney during hours that hourly parking is allowed - 3:30 PM to 11:00 PM)
- EV charging stalls, if not in an EV or actively charging
Please make sure your placard is clearly displayed while parked.
UW Tacoma Disability parking permits
Disability parking permits are an optional permit that allow users to park in reserved permit-only stalls in two locations - in the small lot outside the Dougan building, and along Dolly Roberson Lane. These are a mix of standard and wheelchair-accessible stalls, labeled as C1 and C2.
While these permits do not reserve a specific stall, we never sell more than one permit per stall.
If you need to park near Cherry Parkes and the Dolly Roberson stalls are full, you may park in a nearby standard hourly stall. DO NOT park in the stalls reserved for the Autism Center or in any no-parking zones.
Price: $250 per quarter
Requirement: Pre-approval from Disability Services
How to purchase: Purchase in the Parking Portal (it may take up to 24 hours for the Portal to show the disability permit option once your approval is processed)
New in Spring 2024! Students with VA Chapter 31 benefits can now purchase Disability permits in the Portal

How to get UW disability parking approval
Before you can purchase a Disability permit, you must obtain pre-approval. You will either need to provide your state-issued disability parking permit information OR if you do not have one, you may submit a form completed by your healthcare provider. To get or update your disability parking authorization, contact the relevant Disability Services office:
Employees need to contact UW Disability Services office in Seattle at 206-543-6450 or
Students need to contact UW Tacoma Disability Resources for Students at 253-692-4508 or
Please note: Disability parking is authorized for a specific timeframe only. Students and employees requiring additional parking beyond the specified end date will need to provide the Disability Services Office with either a new Healthcare Provider Form or copy of a new DOL disability permit.
Please contact us at if you have any questions about disability parking on the UW Tacoma campus!