Beth Jeffrey named APAC 2023 Adviser of the Year

The Association of Professional Advisers & Counselors (APAC) at UW announces the 2023 APAC Adviser of the Year at their Spring Bruning in May. In a Facebook post on June 15, 2023, they announced publically that the recipient is SET's very own Beth Jeffrey.
See below to read more about what Beth’s nominators said about her.
-”Beth is truly an amazing colleague and deserves to be recognized for all of her hard work. Beth had been the only UW Tacoma representative on the APAC board, and continuously advocates for folks at UW Tacoma. She also serves on the UW Diversity Taskforce and continuously encourages our department to bring equity into our work in SET. It is without hesitation that Beth deserves to be recognized and celebrated for all the work she does at the department level, campus level, and tri-campus level.”
-”Beth is the advisor that students flock to who may need a bit of extra encouragement or a kind ear to listen. As a new member to the team, I have had the pleasure to work with Beth and see her in action. As an advisor, Beth is compassionate, caring, and dedicated to ensure our SET students have what they need to succeed. She will exhaust all resources to make sure student issues are properly addressed. As a colleague, Beth is fun, caring, and wealth of information. I wholeheartedly nominate Beth!”