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IIGE Study Abroad Award Completion Form

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Congratulations on completing your Study Abroad program! 

Please complete the webform below.  As noted in your IIGE Study Abroad Award letter, you are expected to submit the following no later than 4 weeks after completing your Study Abroad program:

  1. A letter of thanks addressed to the Bamford Foundation describing your study abroad program, your experience, and how this award was helpful.
  2. Two to three photos from your study abroad experience (including one that includes yourself) for inclusion in the IIGE’s quarterly IDEATE Newsletter and for promotion of the IIGE Study Abroad Award program. Please resize photos so each is no bigger than 1.5MB
  3. A poster on your study abroad experience for the Global Engagement Conference. Please follow guidelines below.  Please note that, in addition to uploading your poster, you are expected to have your poster professionally printed at your expense and brought to our offices (CP 311 B or CP311C).  (Please Note:  The UW Tacoma's Library's MakerSpace has a poster printer that students can utilize.)

Tips for Designing Your Poster (adapted from the National Collegial Honors Council website)

  1. Using the GEC Poster Template provided below as a guide, your poster should be constructed so that it presents the desired information in a self-explanatory manner.  
  2. Keep your poster simple and brief. A poster is not a place for you to tack up your entire body of research for people to read. Instead, think of a poster as a series of highly efficient, organized “panels” (a storyboard) upon which appear synopses of the relevant information you want to convey - just enough to get your point across.
  3. Organize your poster materials using headings, such as “Purpose” “Questions/Points of Inquiry,” “Activities,” and “Discoveries/Recommendations.” These headings will help establish a logical flow to your poster. Please note:  The template is structured for research presentations.  You will want to adapt the headers to work for your Study Abroad poster. 
  4. Use large enough fonts so people will not have to squint to read the material. For headings, use at least a 48-point font. For text, use nothing less than 18-point.
  5. Make your poster visually appealing. Have fun. Be creative. Incorporate color. Use photographs, graphs, charts, maps, and the like. Simplify charts and figures to include only relevant information. Be attentive to the layout and placement of your materials.


If you have any questions, please email  

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