Main Content
Kelsey Crain
Assistant Director, International Student Advisor: Advises students last names A-L

If your last name initial is not A-L, your appointment will be canceled.
Akane Yamaguchi
Director, International Student Advisor: Advises students last names M - Z & Scholars

If your last name initial is not M-Z, your appointment will be canceled.
Hybrid Drop-in Advising
We are offering hybrid drop-in advising for international students! If you want to meet in-person, please come to GWP 102 with a photo ID. If you want to join via zoom, please click on the link below.
Tuesdays from 2:30PM-4:00PM
Thursdays from 1:30PM-3:00PM
Drop-ins are first come, first served and you may be asked to wait at the GWP102 lobby or placed into a zoom waiting room. You must stay in the waiting area to keep your place in line, but as long as you're there when the advisor is ready, you will be served. We look forward to talking to you!
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