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Dear faculty and staff colleagues: Connecting students to fellowship opportunities requires enthusiastic support from partners across the University, and I hope you’ll consider getting involved as well. Here are some ideas:
Encourage a Student
One of the most important things you can do is to encourage a promising student to pursue fellowships and refer them to the Student Fellowships unit. Students are much more likely to consider fellowships when they’ve been encouraged by a trusted mentor. I am looking for students with ambition and passion in areas such as community engagement, research, campus leadership, public service, environmentalism, or language study.
Mentor a Student
Students who’re applying for competitive fellowships benefit tremendously from faculty and staff support. If you can, consider mentoring a student, providing feedback on an application essay, writing a letter of recommendation, or connecting them with an international collaborator of yours.
Serve on a Committee
Many nationally competitive fellowships require that candidates be nominated or interviewed by a campus committee. If you’d like to serve on one of those committees, please let me know.
Questions? Please email! Thank you, and I look forward to working with you.