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Name: Maryam Al Darraji
Graduation Quarter: Spring 2021
I am a sophomore who plans on studying Biomedical Sciences at UW Tacoma. I lived in Iraq until I was 9 years old before moving to Jordan for several years. I then I came here as a refugee in 2014. When I first came to the U.S., there were people who pushed me to be who I am as a strong woman that fights for her dreams. And I want to be that person that lights up the darkness of someone’s life, and give back to those who’ve helped me.
I recognize that each person's life story is unique, making their experiences a valuable way to learn about the world. An important part about my culture is how our friends and family gather together at the end of the day. Even when we are tired, we still spend the night together by each other sides through sadness and happiness. I strive to be a representative for my culture to educate others on Middle Eastern people, and to address the incorrect portrayal of our culture in the media. I want to offer support for anyone who has questions or just needs someone to talk to.
I am a fluent speaker in Arabic and its different pronunciations, and have been learning Turkish as well. When I teach Arabic, I focus on creating an immersive environment where I work with participants as they practice. I look for ways to fuel their passion for learning a new language, and strive to work with them one-on-one whenever possible. I enjoy teaching others because I want to provide others with an opportunity to experience another culture.
My goal is to study abroad in different countries to learn about how different cultures practice medicine. I want to experience as much as possible so I can improve medical care in my home country, and places throughout the world.
I would love to be a peer mentor, and welcome any questions people may have.