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If you or someone you know in the UW community are a survivor of sexual or domestic violence, trauma-informed support is available at no cost.
Our Responsibility
We all have a role to play in preventing sexual misconduct in our community. Our goal is to ensure that UW Tacoma is a place where all of us can strive for excellence while feeling safe and valued.
You have the right to report a sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking or other sexual misconduct to the police and to make a formal complaint to the University. You can report to both, to just the police, to just the University, or to neither. It is your choice.
Confidential Advocates
Meeting with a confidential advocate can help you understand your rights and options around reporting, answer your questions, and support you through the process should you decide to make a report.

Sexual Assault Resources
Students, Faculty & Staff
UW’s sexual assault resources include information about campus-specific confidential advocates, a guide called “Know Your Rights & Resources,” access to medical care and counseling, making reports, learning about Title IX, and how to help a friend who has experienced sex- or gender-based violence or harassment.
Confidential Advocate
UW Tacoma offers free advocacy and support for students affected by sexual assault, rape, relationship violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment and other related experiences. The UW Tacoma confidential advocate provides compassionate and empowering support and can help you explore your rights and options, and get you connected to resources.
Students, Faculty & Staff
UW SafeCampus has an FAQ about sexual harassment. SafeCampus can provide initial safety planning and support around sexual harassment as well as other issues related to safety and wellness, and it also connects people to Title IX resources and to confidential advocates. You can reach SafeCampus at 206-685-SAFE (7233) during normal business hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday – no matter where you work or study.
Title IX
Students, Faculty & Staff
UW’s Office of the Title IX Coordinator is the central point of coordination for support, response and prevention across all UW campuses and locations.
Additional Education
Students, Faculty & Staff
Additional information and education about sex- and gender-based violence and prevention is available on the UW Tacoma Student Health website.
UW codifies policies on sexual misconduct in the Student Conduct Code, through Executive Orders and Administrative Policy Statements, and in the Faculty Code.
All new UW students and employees are now required to complete the online Husky Prevention & Response course. All UW employees will need to take the course – any employee can complete the training now, as can any student.