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We conduct our preinternship selection during winter quarter. This is when most regional doctoral programs prefer offers be made to their students, and it coincides with the period between completing our internship selection activities (mid-January) and the APPIC Phase I Match Day (mid-February). Our deadline for application is always rolling, but we post a priority deadline for initial review of applications each year.
Preintern positions have been filled for the 2024-25 training year. Our thanks to all who indicated their interest. Check back next winter, as our priority consideration for applications is typically around the first of February, when we conduct online interviews.
Doctoral trainees in clinical psychology or counseling psychology are eligible to apply if they have the following: 1) satisfactory completion of one previous academic year of practicum involving therapy with adult populations, 2) successful completion of a course in psychopathology, and 3) verification from the Director of Clinical Training of the student’s readiness to apply to a preinternship.
Please submit the following materials via email to Dr. Benson-Palmgren, Training Director, at, in the following manner:
1) From the applicant, all of the documents below in one email:
a. Unofficial transcript
b. Curriculum Vitae – please be sure to include your contact information and the year you started your program
c. A statement of interest that answers the following question: Given our student population, why are you interested in completing a preinternship at UW Tacoma PAWS, and how would a preinternship at our site contribute to your educational and training goals? This statement of interest can be in the body of the email or as an attached Word document or PDF; no formal cover letter is required.
2) Directly from the academic program (typically the Director of Clinical Training): A statement of readiness/approval to apply for preinternship (a simple email will suffice)
3) Directly from reference: One letter of recommendation from a recent clinical supervisor who can speak to your work providing therapy to adults (if your most recent work was not with adults, or was not therapy, you may provide more than one letter to include your most recent work)
We require preinterns to have at least one academic year of clinical experience working with adults in therapy before joining us so that they can jump right into the work with our unique student population. We look for doctoral students who demonstrate a commitment to diversity, have a strong interest in providing therapy to our student population, and who have some experience working with risk behaviors (e.g., suicidal ideation), trauma, and/or whose clinical skills are beyond practicum level (i.e., basic listening skills/microskills and rapport-building are well developed). Just as we imagine trainees prefer to work with supervisors who are invested in their training and provide supportive and constructive feedback, we prefer to work with trainees who are professionally and ethically minded, open to feedback, and eager to learn. In the end, it’s about a goodness of fit between the preintern and our training site.