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Involvement is Out of this World!

The Dawg Bones Program is returning this year with a brand new theme: Outer space! Because our students "reach for the stars" to be engaged in campus life. This year we have new exciting prizes and new ways to get involved at UW Tacoma! Dawg Bones has adapted to some of the wonderful suggestions shared by those running and participating in the program and has looked for ways to make it more accessible to students.
What are Dawg Bones?
We know student life between classes contributes to an eventful and fulfilling time at the University. But students are busy, and it can be hard to justify pulling away from a hectic study schedule. Dawg Bones is a prize incentive program that provides you with an extra reason to attend as many programs, meetings, and involvement opportunities as possible. With every Dawg Bone you earn, you can win exciting and exclusive prizes!
What's New about Dawg Bones this year?
- New ways to earn DawgBones
- Quarterly raffles when the DawgBones shop is closed
- More freebies at Dawg Bones tabling events
- Limited edition special prizes
- And more!
How you can earn Dawg Bones
- Attend events
- Attend meetings
- Join student organizations
- Log volunteer hours
You can find out more about Dawg Bones and opportunities for earning them on DubNet, and the @dawgbonesuwt Instagram.
Get Involved. Earn Dawg Bones. Win Prizes.

The Dawg Bones Shop
This year, to provide students with more choices, the Dawg Bones Program will open the Dawg Bones Shop once every quarter (in Week 5) so that students can use the Dawg Bones they've earned to purchase whatever items they'd like. Every Dawg Bone that students collect will earn them prizes that they get to select!
When can I spend my Dawg Bones?
Dawg Bones can only be spent during the periods when the Dawg Bones Shop is open.
How can I purchase prizes?
As long as the Dawg Bones Shop is open, students can submit orders online here at any time. They will be reviewed by CSI staff members for verification, prizes will be gathered, and students will be emailed when their package of prizes is available for pick-up in the CSI. A link to a DawgBones order form will appear at the bottom of the website once the shop has opened. During th shop’s closing weeks, the link will be removed.
At the Center for Student Involvement
The CSI Staff members can help students complete the Dawg Bones Prize Order Form at the front desk. The CSI is located inside the University YMCA Student Center at 1710 Market Street, Tacoma, WA, 98402.
On DubNet
During the operational hours of the Dawg Bones Shop, visit the Center for Student Involvement's DubNet page. You will find the Dawg Bones Order Form under the "Surveys" tab. Submit your order and wait for an email from notifying you when your order is ready for pickup. (Don't forget to check your points! You'll find your total on your profile page, accessible from the righthand corner of the webpage.)
What kind of Prizes will be available?
Most prizes earned from Dawg Bones can only be acquired by exchanging Dawg Bones at the Dawg Bones Shop. some items are more exclusive than others and due to quantity, you may only be able to acquire giveaway entries for certain items. Most of the items, you will just exchange the necessary amount of Dawg Bones for the items in question. For anything designated as a "Giveaway," students will exchange Dawg Bones for entries to see if they are able to win the item in the Giveaway Announcements that will take place.
Dawg Bones Sticker = 300 Dawg Bones
Buttons = 400 Dawg Bones
Magnets = 400 Dawg Bones
3D Charms = 700 Dawg Bones
Lanyard w/ ID Holders = 1000 Dawg Bones
Pencil Pouch = 1200 Dawg Bones
Notebook with Pen = 1,500 Dawg Bones
Clear Tumbler = 1,800 Dawg Bones
Travel Mugs = 2,000 Dawg Bones
Beanie = 2,400 Dawg Bones
Tote Bags = 2600 Dawg Bones
What happens to my Dawg Bones if I don't spend them?
Students will keep their Dawg Bones for the full academic year. If you are trying to save up for something really exclusive, you can save Dawg Bones between the quarters. However, some quantities are limited in the Dawg Bones Shop and once an item is sold out, it's gone! Be strategic about how long you hold onto your Dawg Bones.
Dawg Bones will reset at the end of Spring Quarter 2025.