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Read more about HSF projects

Photovoice- COVID-19 Insecurities, Transitions, and Beyond


Giving Garden Mural

Cultivating Awareness and Connection to Marine Ecosystems in Tacoma’s Youth

Thy Nguyen-Sustaining and Retaining Vietnamese Culture in America

Student Cooking Essential Kit

Giving Garden Solar Roof

Welcome Days Succulent Project

NAS (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome) Informational Brochure
Project Ideas
Consider speaking to:
- School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (Science and Mathematics)
- Faculty within SIAS Science and Mathematics
- School of Urban Studies
- Sustainable Urban Development faculty
- Tacoma community schools
Potential projects:
- Host or propose a seminar
- Create a Public Service Announcement
- Art installation or art exhibit
- Workshops focused on zero waste, climate change, human impacts within the south sound
- Invite guest speakers who do relevant research or work in the community
- Sustainability movie nights
Consider speaking to:
- Center for Equity and Inclusion
- The Pantry
- Local restaurants
- UWT Giving Garden
- Local Food Depot
- UW Tacoma Integrated Facilities Management
Potential projects:
- Local food cooking classes
- Host a farmers market group walk
- Campus cookbook
- Host a volunteer day or activity to help the Giving Garden
- Satellite Pantry locations on campus
- Design a notification system to alert students of extra food after events on campus
- Mapping the path of food on campus from restaurant to waste bin
- Create a map of free meal locations near campus with weekly offerings
- Food truck pilot program
Consider speaking to:
- Center for Equity and Inclusion
- DEI student workers within CSI
- RSOs
- UW Tacoma Social and Historical Studies School
- Psychological and Wellness Services
Potential Projects:
- Expanding sustainable health products on campus
- Events centering student voices and needs
- Events/workshops/presentations around climate change impacts on marginalized communities
- Projects around improving infrastructure
- Expanding wifi access into outdoor spaces. i.e. Giving Garden
- Design and propose more green spaces on campus
- Create a newsletter, zine, or publication focusing on community storytelling
Consider speaking to:
- Integrated Facilities Management
- Environmental and Health Services
- Local thrift shops
Possible Projects:
- Composter for the Giving Garden
- Reuse and Repair Clinic
- Thrift market, re-sale day, swap meet
- Waste reduction campaigns
- Recycled art installation/show
- End of the year gear, clothing, kitchenware, etc exchange
- Cap and gown reuse/rental
- Composting bins for dorm rooms in Court 17
Consider speaking to:
- Integrated Facilities Management
Possible projects:
- Organize campus clean-up
- Host waste workshops: recycling and composting properly on campus
- Rain gardens redesign and maintenance
- Installation of low flow fixtures within Court 17
- Water reduction campaigns within bathrooms and dressing rooms
- Rainwater harvesting in Giving Garden
- Permeable pavement
Consider speaking to:
- UW Tacoma Transportation Services
- Sound Transit
- Local bike and scooter shops
Possible Projects:
- Create a map with bike stations around campus
- Implement a bike/scooter rental program
- Promote the use of the U-Pass
- Bus stop art installation
- Electric car charging stations
- Night bus- help students get safely to their cars or back to Court 17
- Vanpool or student-led car service
- Host a group bicycle ride around campus and the nearby neighborhoods
- Create a program that generate an individualized travel plan for students
- Create an app or sign-up sheet for students to connect for carpooling
- Create a bus buddy program
- Social media campaign explaining how public transport works, address commons fears and misconceptions, and share personal student stories
- Create a PSA or educational materials about impacts of single-rider transportation on the climate and human health
Consider speaking to:
- Integrated Facilities Management
Possible Projects:
- Use smaller solar panels during UW hosted outdoor events
- Solar projects or expansions
- Installation of efficient surge protectors
- Encourage green office certification programs
- Motion sensor lighting
Consider speaking to:
- Environmental Health and Safety
- College labs
- Green lab coordinator
- Research faculty on campus
- Center for Urban Waters
Potential Projects:
- Require all labs to be Green Lab certified
- Start a research project using the Giving Garden greenhouse
- Conduct innovative technology feasibility studies
Current Initiatives
UW Tacoma Sustainability Blog
Integrating Sustainability Into Your Everyday Life- Aisha Ali
How to Build a Sustainable Wardrobe- Aisha Ali
Preferred Vendors List
Prize Items
- (no shipping fee)
- (vegan, minority-owned)
Plants (students can use this space to: 3D print, Sew, Poster Print, etc.) (students can get free food)
Project Marketing Guide
Outreach and marketing are essential pieces to ensure your project’s success. The following document outlines some strategies, tools, and university resources to help you share your wonderful project with the UWT community.
Submit an Idea
If you have an idea for a sustainability project but do not know where to start, please submit your idea and optional contact information.