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The RSO Pantry Food Drive has begun! Donations can be delivered to the Center for Student Involvement in the University Y Student Center, Monday through Thursday from 7:30am-9pm and on Fridays from 7:30am-8pm.
Items will be collected until December 10, 2021
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out for more information
Every year, our Registered Student Organizations work to collect as many canned items and non-perishable foods as possible, to benefit the Center for Equity & Inclusion Pantry, that provides food and grocery items to UW Tacoma community members. Registered Student Organizations are encouraged to participate by donating items from their organizations to the Center for Student Involvement. Each donation earns them points, based on the particular item that is donated.
Our Generous Point Structure
As student organizations generously donate non-perishable items to the Center for Student Involvement, points will be calculated based on the needs expressed by the UW Tacoma community members who benefit from the Pantry. Points are based off of how many pre-packaged items are included in a donation, with the idea that pre-packaged items can be acquired by or provided to an individual household. A great example of how generous this point structure can be is the concept of a 12-pack box of instant oatmeal. Because each pack can be provided to a single household, this donation box would earn a participant 12 points for their Registered Student Organization.
Any item that you donate will at least earn you 1 point towards your Registered Student Organization's point total. Items must be non-perishable and should not be opened or beyond any kind of expiration or best by date. Items that are not listed on the next two panels will earn your organization 1 point.
The CEI Pantry is always looking for particular items that are highly requested by those who benefit from the Pantry's stock. These items are a little more weighted in our competition as we know it is what the people would like to see in the Pantry. The following list of items will earn your organization +2 points towards your total, per pre-packaged items.
- Spam
- Olive Oil
- Gravy Mix
- Seasonal Snacks
- Nuts
- Spices
- Protein Bars
- Cereal
- Pasta Sauce (Spaghetti & Alfredo)
- Pasta
- Canned Pineapple
- Chinese Noodles
- Stuffing (Boxed)
- Flour
- Canned Pumpkin
- Peanut Butter
- Chips
- Gluten-Free Cereal
- Gluten-Free Seasonal Snacks
- Gluten-Free Pasta Sauce
- Gluten-Free Pasta
- Coconut Butter
The Pantry does not only supply individuals with food items. They also ask for some toiletry and household items including:
- Laundry Detergent
- Diapers (various sizes)
- Lysol Wipes
Any item that is Vegan or Kosher will earn your +3 points, for every pre-packaged item. These items are included in Vegan and Kosher packs that individuals are able to request from the Pantry. Vegan and Kosher items should have the proper marks that identify them as completely Vegan or Kosher options.
For Vegan foods, make sure to check the Ingredient information for the label that says "Suitable for Vegans" or "Certified Vegan." Items that are produced in factories that handle or create other products that use animal-based products may not be certified vegan so please keep this in mind. You can find some food items here that are suitable for vegans:
For Kosher foods, these items have been blessed by a Rabbi. Check the packaging to find the word "Kosher" along with a "P" next to where it says that information to ensure that the items are Kosher.

Anyone can participate!
The RSO Pantry Food Drive is an exciting competition for Registered Student Organizations, but it not limited to just our Registered Student Organizations. Students who participate and are not connected to a Registered Student Organization can earn 100 Dawg Bones for each pre-packaged item that they donate. They can also donate to a Registered Student Organization that they may be a part of.
Faculty and Staff members are also encouraged to participate. You can donate your items for a specific Registered Student Organization and provide them with more points in our competition.