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CJ Program Goals
1. Gain an understanding of policies, agencies, and delivery of criminal justice systems and how to effect change to bring about social justice
2. Use an interdisciplinary ecological systems approach to understanding crime and the consequences of crime
3. Demonstrate ethical and professional use of self
4. Demonstrate understanding of and appreciation for differences based on gender, age, ethnicity, religious creed, sexual orientation, class, and physical, mental, and developmental disabilities
5. Understand and critically apply theoretical frameworks to individual and social behavior, the interactions among individuals and social systems and their relationships to crime and justice
6. Gain an understanding of criminal justice as an applied science where there is an integration of theory, scientific method and practice application
7. Understand the use of evidence based methods and policy for special populations within and affected by criminal justice systems
8. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and communicate effectively
Approved by the faculty 3-6-2014

CJ Program Standards

The following standards apply to all students in the Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice program. These standards may be in addition to other academic standards at the University of Washington Tacoma. In order to maintain satisfactory progress in the CJ major, an admitted student must meet the following criteria:
- Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
- Earn a 2.0 grade in each required CJ core and approved core elective course.
- A student who earns less than a 2.0 in any required CJ core or core elective course is required to retake the course; this may delay a student’s graduation. With the approval of the program offering the course, a student may repeat a course once. According to UW policy, if a department course is retaken, the grades of the two courses are averaged and credit for the course will be given only once. Veterans receiving benefits must receive approval for the Veterans Coordinator in the Office of Enrollment Services before the course is repeated.
- Required CJ core courses are T CRIM 225, 361, 362, 370, 371, 372, 390, 395, and 441.
- Required core electives are listed on the approved core electives list.
- The following CJ core courses must be taken in residence at UWT: T CRIM 361, 371, 390 and 441.
- All CJ core or core elective course substitutions must be approved by petition after CJ admission. A maximum of 10 transfer equivalent credits are allowed towards the 65 credit major.
- Satisfactorily complete a statistics course with a 2.0 grade or higher before taking T CRIM 390.
- Satisfactorily complete T CRIM 225 before taking T CRIM 371.
- Satisfactorily complete T CRIM 371 and T CRIM 390 before taking T CRIM 441.
- A student who begins the major and then withdraws from UW Tacoma for more than one quarter will be required to reapply to UW Tacoma as a returning student. If readmitted, the student should meet with an academic advisor to prepare a revised program of study.