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In order to graduate with a bachelor's degree, a student must meet minimum general educational and basic skills requirements, in addition to completing the requirements of their academic program.
University Graduation Requirements for the baccalaureate degree are located under the Office of the Registrar's Graduation Requirements.
Criminal Justice requirements
In addition to fulfilling all University requirements, Criminal Justice prerequisites, and Criminal Justice major requirements by the time of graduation, a student must also:
- Earn a minimum 2.0 grade or higher in each Criminal Justice major requirement.
- Complete at least 45 upper-division credits (300- and 400-level).
- Earn a 2.0 grade or higher in English composition.
Social Welfare requirements
In addition to fulfilling all University requirements, Social Welfare prerequisites, and Social Welfare major requirements by the time of graduation, a student must also:
- Earn a minimum 2.0 grade or credit (in courses taken C/NC) in each required Social Welfare course.
- Have at least a 2.50 GPA in all required Social Welfare classes.
- Complete at least 68 upper-division credits (300- and 400-level).
- Earn a 2.0 grade or higher in English composition.
Applying to graduate
Graduation is not automatic. In order to officially graduate and receive your diploma you must submit a graduation application. Graduation applications are completed during an appointment with an academic advisor. It is recommended that you apply for graduation two quarters before your planned date of graduation. The absolute deadline for filing an application is the Friday of the third week of the quarter in which the student intends to graduate.
Information about the Commencement ceremony and what you need to do to prepare for it can be found on the Commencement website.
Registration Priority for Graduating Seniors
You can apply to graduate when you are within 45 credits of graduation. Once the graduation application is on file, you will allowed to register for classes earlier than other students. This is called Graduating Senior Priority. You get a maximum of two quarters of priority. If, after two quarters, you have not graduated and continue to take classes, you will register during regular senior registration according to the schedule.