Main Content
Quick links:
- Academic Calendar
(includes dates of instruction, final exam schedule, & holidays) - Campus Map
- Campus Safety and Security
- Computing, Media And Technology Support
- Time Schedule (includes classroom assignments)
- Canvas
- MyUW

Faculty Support Resources
Office Hours:
All faculty are expected to hold office hours. Please make sure to include your office hours in your syllabus.
Office Phone:
See SSWCJ directory for phone listings.
Office Keys:
The School of SWCJ submits all key/access requests to Campus Safety and Security. Security will email your UW email address when your keys are ready for pick-up. If the quarter has started and your keys are not yet available, please contact Security for the access you need. If you are a returning part-time lecturer, please let the Administrator know whether you need keys re-issued.
After receiving your Employee Identification Number (EID) from Payroll, establish your UW NetID and e-mail account:
If you have previously established a UW NetID and email account, please follow the steps to reactivate your account.
Please complete this process as soon as possible and provide Director of Academic Services, Terri Simonsen with your UW email address.
Email Policy:
Please remember that you are required to maintain and use a UW email account for all University correspondence, especially when communicating to students.
► UW Tacoma Faculty, Staff and Student Email Policy
Directory Listing:
Once you have established your UW email address, update your campus address in Workday. You can edit this information in the "Personal Information" widget.
Subscribe to uwtline listserv:
Visit to subscribe to the campus listserv, Messages regarding general, campus-specific information are posted. If you wish to join any of our student listservs, please let a staff member know.
Husky ID Card:
The Husky Card is the official identification card for members of the UW Tacoma community. It provides access to buildings, services and opportunities, including campus libraries. You will need photo ID and have your Employee Identification Number (EID) handy and are required to use the Husky Card Upload Portal. For more information, visit
Your Employee ID card also serves as your UW Library card once validated.
Getting Paid:
University paydays are the 10th and 25th of each month.
Signing up for payroll direct deposit is mandatory. Please note, direct desposit often takes 1-2 pay cycles before going into effect. Until your direct deposit is active, we recommend contacting the Finance Office in the Carlton Center, Suite 400 to see whether a check is waiting for you.
MyUW Web Portal:
MyUW is the front portal of University of Washington web services. It is a simple and easy-to-use tool for accessing the resources you need to fulfill your goals at the University. You can personalize MyUW to fit your needs by including or excluding the services you see listed, adding your own favorite links and other customizations. The Workday link provides information about your paycheck, your Employee Identification (EID) Number, tax withholdings to name a few.
Access to Campus Network:
A network login will be established for you once your Directory Listing is updated as noted above. The login will allow you to use classroom computers as well as any computer on campus. This information is typically emailed to you directly from the School of Social Work and Criminal Justice administrator. You will be prompted to change your password immediately after entering this information. Please be sure that your new password is at least 8 characters long. The network login is typically your UW
Canvas is web courseware which can be used to create online content and add online interaction and collaboration to a course. Director of E-Learning Services Darcy Janzen ( can provide one-on-one assistance with Canvas.
Classroom Equipment:
If you want to use any of the technology equipment in the classroom assigned to you, please visit
Media Services:
For assistance, call 253-692-4419, dial 2-4419 from a campus phone, or use the pager/other help number listed on the podium in your classroom.
► Contact Media Services, a division of Information Technology
Academic Quarter Length:
Autumn, Winter and Spring Quarter typically include 10 weeks of instruction plus an additional week for “finals week.”
During Summer Quarter, full-term consists of 9 weeks and term A and term B consist of 4 ½ weeks each.
You are expected to hold classes for the duration of your assigned quarter during the times assigned to your particular class. If you are unable to do so, please contact your Program Chair immediately.
► Review the Academic Calendar
Classroom Assignment:
Please check the Time Schedule to confirm your classroom location.
Class Lists:
You can access class lists and other tools online by visiting MyUW (
To access the class list, visit your MyUW home page and click on the “Teaching” tab. Then click “Manage Class Resources,” “My UW Class,” “On-Line Course Resources,” “Electronic Class Lists,” and “Display on a Web Page” to view and print your class list.
You will be issued a key to access all copy rooms on campus. Copy rooms are intended for small, simple, self-service jobs. The copy code for these machines is 4820. Copiers are available in KEY 202, CP 323, WCG 214, and WCG 307.
You may charge complicated and/or large jobs to the School of Social Work and Criminal Justice budget number: 06-0390. To do so, visit Copy and Mail Services in MAT 053. You may also email the details of your request to, making sure to include our budget number. Copy jobs typically require a 24-hour turnaround time.
Copy and Mail Services can also provide assistance in the creation and distribution of coursepacks to your students.
► Contact Copy and Mail Services
Disability Resources for Students (DRS) and MyDRS:
MyDRS is a tri-campus, online system for registering, requesting, and tracking students' requests for disability accommodations. View and support students' accommodations by logging into the faculty portal.
Follow this link for more information on how to manage disability accommodation requests:
Contact DRS at 253.692.4508 or to schedule a 1:1 consultation.
Instructional Continuity
As part of the UW Tacoma business continuity plan, instructional continuity is critical to our campus mission. In the event of an emergency that may result in the long-term suspension of campus activities and classes on campus, there are several online resources available to UW Tacoma faculty. Please take time to review the resources in our instructional continuity guide and incorporate them into your courses/programs. This document provides suggestions on how to prepare for disruptions, as well as steps to keep courses moving forward during outages and closures. Depending upon the time of year, or quarter, instructional continuity may be critical for final examinations, grading, and/ or graduation requirements. For more information, follow this link:
Always check the UW Tacoma Home Page: as official campus closures, suspended operations or delays will be announced there first followed by 253-383-INFO.
Textbooks and Desk Copy Orders:
Please see the SSWCJ office if you need to place an order or have questions regarding University Bookstore textbook order or future desk copy requests.
Field Trip Consent Forms:
The University of Washington requires a signed consent form for all University-sponsored field trip experiences. Please contact Terri Simonsen for guidelines and for form-approval prior to the quarter start date.
Student Course Evaluations:
All courses are to be evaluated by students toward the end of each quarter using the UW online course evaluation system. You will receive instructions from our office within the last 2-3 weeks of the quarter.
If you have questions regarding the online course evaluation system, please contact us. You will be notified of the results and receive a copy of the report, including supplemental comments, after all evaluations have been scored.
Grade Submission:
Grades are due the first Tuesday following finals week. Grades must be submitted online via GradePage with two-factor authentication. Reminders are sent to all faculty and staff are available to provide technical support and assistance if needed. No grades can be submitted online after the stated deadline (day/time). GradePage, a simple interface for quarterly grade submission, can be used by GradeBook users, Canvas users and those who manage their grades using other software or a traditional approach. Please see School of SWCJ Grading Scales section for more information on issuing final grades.
Grade Changes: Once the grading period for the quarter has ended, grades cannot be submitted through online grading tools. However, change of grade requests or late submissions can be submitted through the Office of the Registrar’s online Grade Change Request form. Due to the need for manual processing for submissions through this form, it will be 2-4 business days until the new grades appear on the student record.
School of Social Work and Criminal Justice Grading Scales:
The School of Social Work and Criminal Justice faculty voted and approved the use of the following point ranges for graduate and undergraduate level grading. Please use these scales for all T SOCW, TSOCWF and T CRIM courses. Please ask staff for assistance. Please be aware that if you are using the Canvas to track grades, you will need to compare the calculated Canvas grade to the school's undergraduate and/or graduate grading scales to ensure that you are issuing the correct final grade.
► School of Social Work and Criminal Justice Grading Scales
Student Papers:
We recommend returning papers during class or requesting a self-addressed, postage paid envelope if the students want their papers returned after the quarter ends. Due to the lack of adequate space and staffing, the SSWCJ office is not able to distribute papers back to students.
Student Conduct Code:
All students who are enrolled in any of the three University of Washington campuses (Tacoma, Seattle or Bothell) are held accountable to the Student Conduct Code.
If you believe a student violated the Student Conduct Code, please complete this form to document the situation and formally report the incident: Student Conduct Incident Report.
CARE Team:
Any person who has concern for the well-being or safety of a student or the community, or who has reason to believe that a student may pose a direct threat to themselves or others, is strongly encouraged to refer the matter to the CARE Team. An academic or nonacademic conduct report may be referred to the CARE Team for consideration:
Academic Alert:
Academic Alert is a referral system through which faculty may identify undergraduate students who are having academic difficulty. Early intervention with students on the part of faculty, advisors, and other campus personnel can improve students’ likelihood to succeed, although the program is available for faculty to use throughout the quarter. The goal of the academic alert referral system is to connect struggling students with support services across campus that may help them identify and remediate the sources of their academic difficulties:
Bias Incident Reporting:
This process is open to all faculty, staff, students, and community members who may be on campus. It's meant to supplement, not replace, existing conflict resolution mechanisms at UW and UW Tacoma. However, when these processes do not address your specific issue, or when it's not possible or safe to resolve the issue on your own, the Bias Incident Reporting tool is available.
Faculty Mentor:
Faculty members are available to support you during your teaching appointment. Please contact your Program Chair if you would like a mentor.
Campus Safety and Security Services:
Officers are on patrol 24/7.
For non-emergencies, visit DOU 180 or call 253-692-4416.
For emergencies, call 253-692-4888 or dial 2-4416 or 2-4888 from any campus phone.
Campus Safety also maintains the campus Lost and Found, issues keys and building access cards, and administers the Campus Safety Escort Program. Dial 253-692-4416 to request a Safety Escort.